Monday, May 7, 2012


Check out Kelly's Hair!! We did this friday! I wish we had taken a 'before' pic bc we did a lot!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Prom Day!

Yesterday was Prom Day for several schools in the area and not in the area!  Jasmyn wins for furthest drive!  1 hour to see me-I very much appreciate her coming all the way to Yukon to get her hair done!  Here are the Up-do's for the day- I made them in separate posts bc it's easier to upload from my iPhone that way;)

Christy's Banquet Hair!

No she is not in high school! Christy is about my age:)

Amber's Prom Hair!

Vivian's Prom Hair!

Jasmyn's Prom Hair!

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Leary Photo Shoot

Check out my friends Michael and Emily Leary, they've been married for a few years but recently did a photo shoot and I did her hair!  Her hair is actually longer than it looks but we curled and pinned to a cute angle with some detail in the back that's kinda hard to see here.

           You can't really tell Emily's hair here-I just Love this photo!!

There were several great pics taken-I just selected the ones where you could see Emily's hair the best:)

For more pics, or to check out this amazing photographer visit:
    J Hodges Photography
